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Lake Worth, Florida

Ride the Tide

Ride the Tide

February 28, 2016 - Lake Worth, Florida

I was really hoping my children could have made it out this year but alas, it wasn't in the cards. My daughter Shai, was really into surfing at this time so I came up with an interactive design as to "surf the colors dude"!
Sometimes life just feels like no matter HOW HARD YOU TRY, things just don't feel like their moving forward.
Dissapointed, I wasn't really feeling it this year ... BUT THEN I MET TRAVO. Travo and I hit it off right away. A body painter by trade, (Google at your own risk!) he had never worked on the asphalt before and was interested in helping me out on this one. Travo came back with his daughter a couple of years later and back again! Thanks Travo!
The kids and I still got to "Ride the Tide" through the rest of the year though in Florida, Dallas and of course Tennessee!